Thanks both to tenants and prospective tenants! AK Trinity Group, LLC is pleased to announce that we've been able to serve the Anchorage market and help create housing solutions since 2010. We pride ourselves on helping tenants with short-term and long term housing. We support corporate, government, and individual clients; and have an assortment of units ranging from two to four bedrooms in multiple Anchorage locations. We offer online applications, maintenance requests, and prompt service. Thanks for entrusting us with your home needs! AK Trinity Group, LLC is an equal opportunity housing provider.
Online Resources
We are an equal opportunity housing provider; and believe that clear policy and transparency help facilitate successful tenant-landlord relationships.
We often receive phone calls first, but if you prefer that we contact you, providing the information requested in this link will help us better serve your needs.
We strive to help ensure mutual accountability and responsibility for the benefit of all our residents and tenants. It’s imperative that ALL our residents and tenants fully understand and acknowledge our pet and animal-related policies. This also includes residents and tenants that do not own a pet or animal. We require EVERYONE to complete a third-party screening and review process. This quick and easy process ensures we have your pet and animal-related policy acknowledgments, pet/animal history and records, and legal attestation of truthfulness and accuracy on file.
We use a standard process to determine rental eligibility. After completing the application and credit request, we can typically provide a response within two business days.
Maintenance Requests/Work Orders
Please submit all non-emergency requests through this form. For all others, please contact Marc at 907-240-2015 or Scott at 907-227-4227.
Moving-Out Process:
Thanks for leasing with us! We understand that moving can be stressful, and want to help reduce the hassle. We strive to fully refund deposits as much as possible, but to do so need your help. Please contact Marc if you have any questions, but here's an outline of our process.
1. Please notify us as soon as possible, with at least 30 days before your next rental due date- feel free to use the following form Notice to Quit (move out notification; or review the form and send an email to info@aktrinity.com with the same information.
2. You'll receive a confirmation from us; and we'll send you a copy of the lease with the condition report we filled out together at the beginning of your tenancy.
3. Download the Move-Out Cleaning Checklist and after thoroughly cleaning the unit, schedule a pre-checkout with us. We believe in transparency, and to help maximize security deposit refunds we offer pre-checkouts to give tenants time to remedy issues if possible.
4. After pre-checkout items are resolved, schedule a final checkout with us, and deposit refunds will be processed in most cases within fourteen days, or in the event of damage, 30 days per AS Sec. 34.03.120.